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Covid-19 : Business Update 23 March 2020

 - 23 March 2020
We continue to see the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus and impact this pandemic is having on our way of life and the health and well-being of people in our communities and workplaces. These are extraordinary times and I would like to update you on the steps our business has taken to be proactive in trying to limit the further spread of this virus and how we seek to interact with our customers.

We have instituted relevant government guidelines relating to effective hygiene across our distribution business and our manufacturing plants. We have instituted social distancing and ceased large group gatherings and face-to-face meetings on site as well as limiting supplier interactions.

In relation to customer visits, we are minimizing face-to-face meetings. We have asked our sales teams to reconsider all visit schedules such that only essential visits occur.

Corona safety poster

We are suspending all external customer entertainment, customer visits to our manufacturing plants and we are discouraging visits to our distribution centres.

We are continuing to contact customers by phone and email and welcome similar forms of communication from our customers to our sales teams and National Customer Service Centre.

As an Australian pipe and tube manufacturer, our feed materials are sourced from BlueScope and our supply chain is operating as normal.  We will provide timely updates if we foresee any disturbance to our operations.

We understand that trading conditions are likely to become more challenging over the coming weeks and months in all areas of the economy.  This will need all of us to be working together and supporting one another the best we can.  

This is a unique situation and one that is changing rapidly.  Let’s stay in touch so we can navigate through this very difficult period together.

Please contact your Account Manager to talk through any concerns you may have.

Best regards,

Tony Schreiber
General Manager
Orrcon Steel and Metalcorp